I like the occasional tipple like the majority of the great British public. I especially like sitting in a ‘pubby’ pub to sip away. You know the sort, friendly locals, locally brewed beer and a cosy atmosphere. But it seems the good old local pub is finding it hard to stay afloat with more than twenty pubs a week closing.
Anglers Rest, Bamford
This was going to be the case for The Anglers Rest in Bamford, Derbyshire. Not only was this small community going to lose its pub but also the local post office. But the community pulled together and formed the Bamford Community Society so they could purchase the Anglers Rest hub which consisted of the pub, post office and café – all under one roof. By October 2013, 328 shareholders raised an incredible £263,000 which enabled the community to officially own the Anglers Rest Hub.
Whistle Video
Four years later and they are now trying to raise more money to make important improvements to the Anglers Rest. To help with raising awareness and to inform potential shareholders they contacted Whistle Video to see if we could create a video – we jumped at the chance to be part of this project.
Video Production
Community spirit was a crucial part of the success of the Anglers and we wanted to convey this in the video. We spent a lot of time in pre-production to work on a script and storyboard that the team would be happy with. After we got the go-ahead we made a start on filming.
The community got together once again to help out on the production and everyone who we worked with was eager to get involved and be part of the video which made production a joy to work on.
Another aspect of the video we wanted to get across was the location of the Anglers Rest and Bamford as a whole. We decided that certain drone footage would be ideal for this purpose.

It doesn’t take a lot of convincing for us to use the drone on a project and this was no exception. Bamford is less than half an hour from Sheffield so we know the area well and knew before we did our initial recce where we wanted to shoot using the drone. A simple but effective fly over of Bamford edge overlooking the small town of Bamford was our choice to set the scene.
Check out the Anglers Rest video HERE